Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Erma Isabelle Yerex (Massing)

What I remember most about Auntie Erma was her stories about brushes with angels and how she loved going to the casino when she came to visit along with going to see palm readers or psychics.  She would talk about her stories and no matter how much you commented during her stories she just kept on telling them until they were completed.  She was probably the most prim and proper sister which sounds kind of funny considering she liked to gamble and considering the family she came from because all of them were very classy and that just goes to show what kind of parenting Irene and Noble gave to the ten.  

She said one of her psychics that read her tea leaves told her that one day her ship was going to come in.  She was very proud of that reading and then she looked me right in the eye and said, "you know they don't read your tea leaves, they read your mind."  I always enjoyed her visits when she came to Winnipeg.  

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